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Are Your Digital Projects Truly Agile?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Are your digital projects truly Agile, or are you just spinning your wheels in a never-ending loop of frustration? Agile promises flexibility, faster delivery, and enhanced collaboration, but what if the reality falls short? What if those very principles are sabotaging your efforts instead of propelling them forward?

In this eye-opening exploration, we pull back the curtain on the hidden flaws of Agile that could be undermining your projects. From the pressure of delivering quickly at the cost of quality to the pitfalls of endless iterations and the myth of self-organizing teams, this article challenges the rosy picture of Agile and asks the tough questions: Is Agile really the answer, or is it just another buzzword? If you’re ready to uncover the truth and learn how to avoid these common traps, read on—you might just save your next project from becoming another statistic.


When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail…

Having witnessed over the years how much money is wasted on IT projects that don’t deliver any substantial business value, I decided to explore the problem.

In a complex world, when advanced products are developed and time to market is of the essence, traditional models of managing projects are doomed. You simply cannot stay competitive if even a tiny change in the product offering or user interface takes months to analyze and document and costs half a million euros to implement.

Despite the widely spread unhappiness of the business owners, many large organizations are still crippled by “HQ approved” software delivery methodologies, which require the BA, PM, and the Development team to follow a prescribed “IT Project Delivery Recipe,” irrespective of the project complexity, urgency, business value or the business idea maturity.

In the past, most projects followed a Waterfall delivery methodology, irrespective of how small they were.

It meant months of gathering requirements and signing them off, followed by planning, design, development, testing, and implementation. The project scope, budget, and delivery date were cast in stone. The projects were well structured and reasonably easy to manage unless there was an unforeseen problem.

Unfortunately, the world does not stand still, and by the time the project was delivered, the deliverables were mostly obsolete. The stakeholders were unhappy as they had to foot the bill for a project that did not deliver the expected value.

To solve the problem of changing requirements, the “Agile” Delivery Framework was born. The traditional project management triangle of “Fixed Quality” was reimagined to better accommodate modern projects’ dynamic and unpredictable nature. In Agile, the focus shifts away from rigidly adhering to predefined scope, time, and cost constraints, allowing for more flexibility in managing these elements. This approach emphasizes delivering continuous value, accommodating change, and fostering collaboration over simply following a strict plan. Instead of being locked into a fixed scope with a set budget and timeline, Agile allows teams to adjust their approach as requirements evolve, ensuring that the final product better meets the customer’s needs.

So you have adopted the Agile methodology, but your projects are still over budget and behind schedule. Now what?

The problem is that Agile promises the world – scope flexibility, increased value, visibility, adaptability, faster delivery, better collaboration… You name it, but the reality can be far from what you expect.

3 Fundamental Flaws of Agile Delivery

Agile was designed to address the shortcomings of traditional project management models, like the Waterfall method, which often led to projects being delivered late and over budget, with obsolete features. Agile flips the script by encouraging flexibility, continuous delivery, and close stakeholder collaboration. But here’s the catch: while Agile has its strengths, it also comes with its own set of challenges that can derail even the most well-intentioned projects.

Let’s dive into three critical flaws of Agile that could be undermining your projects:

Flaw No. 1: Quick Delivery Over Quality

In the rush to deliver continuously, teams often prioritize speed over quality. This can lead to a vicious cycle where developers push out features rapidly, only to introduce more defects that clog up the backlog and slow down future development. The result? A burnt-out team and a product riddled with issues ultimately frustrates both the users and the stakeholders.

Solution: Balance speed with quality. Implement stricter quality control measures, such as automated testing and code reviews, to ensure that what you’re delivering is not just fast, but also reliable and robust. Remember, it’s better to deliver a high-quality feature a little later than a buggy one right on time.

Flaw No. 2: Development Over Planning

One of Agile’s core principles is responding to change rather than following a plan. While this flexibility is a key strength, it can also be a double-edged sword. Stakeholders often exploit this flexibility by introducing major changes late in the project, believing the Agile team can handle them. But the reality is that every change has a cost, and adding more iterations can make the codebase increasingly complex and difficult to manage.

Solution: Set boundaries and manage expectations. While Agile encourages change, it’s crucial to have a well-defined process for evaluating and integrating changes. Use sprint planning sessions to assess the impact of changes and ensure they align with the overall project goals and timeline. Encourage stakeholders to prioritize changes that add the most value and can be realistically implemented without derailing the project.

Flaw No. 3: Collaboration Over Management

Agile champions the idea of self-organizing teams, where individuals are empowered to take ownership of their work. However, without proper management and accountability, this can lead to chaos. The lack of a clear, accountable project manager can result in misaligned priorities, missed deadlines, and a team that struggles to stay focused.

Solution: Foster collaboration, but don’t forget about management. Empower your team and ensure a strong leader can provide direction, resolve conflicts, and keep the project on track. A balance between self-organization and management is key to ensuring that collaboration leads to productive outcomes rather than disarray.


Conclusion: Making Agile Work for Your Projects

Agile isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution; like any methodology, it has limitations. However, by recognizing and addressing these flaws, you can harness Agile’s strengths while avoiding its pitfalls. The key is to maintain a balance—between speed and quality, flexibility and planning, collaboration and management.

Agile can transform the way you deliver projects, but only if it’s implemented thoughtfully and with a clear understanding of its challenges. By being mindful of these common traps and taking proactive steps to address them, you can ensure that your Agile projects don’t just promise results—they deliver them.