Are staff layoffs a symptom of poor leadership ?

A well-known pharmaceutical company has recently announced serious job cuts in Ireland and worldwide. Quite a few more companies will most probably follow the suit. With the recession looming in the background, raising interest rates, and increased pressure on financial performance, downsizing a workforce seems like an obvious choice to many organizations. On paper, the […]
Disruptive technologies – Welcome to Tomorrow

Forget the book – “Future Shock”, welcome to the 4th Industrial Revolution. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is upon us and it represents a fundamental change in the way we live, work and relate to one another. It is a new chapter in human development, enabled by disruptive technologies. According to Wikipedia, disruptive technologies are innovations […]
Innovative Products To Inspire You

Cameras that see in the dark, drones that follow you home, AI that manages your phone. Below are some innovative products to inspire you: The world’s first virtual shopping center opened in Korea. All products are just LCD screens that allow you to order the items by touching the screen. When you get to the […]
Can blockchain technology be a threat to the energy providers?

“Business leaders should not solely look at technology as a way to improve current processes, but more as a way to pivot their business models.” Blockchain technology based solutions are springing up fast around the world and they don’t just disrupt the world of finance, but can, for example, fundamentally change the world for energy companies. […]
Project Management – 10 Tips From Business Experts

How often have you seen a project begin with great expectations and end in disappointment? It’s a story in organizations of every size, from startups to multinational corporations. Why does this happen? Because successful project management isn’t just about working hard—it’s about working smart. It demands a disciplined, organized approach grounded in time-tested practices. While […]
The Future Is Approaching Faster Than You Think

The reticular secretary is an impressive-sounding name for a filter which ensures that your brain doesn’t have to deal with more information than it can handle. Whether you are aware of it or not, your brain normally filters out superfluous information, that is not relevant to you, or it does not have any emotional charge. […]